Kentucky Bluegrass vs. Turf-Type Tall Fescue
The most common turf grass in the northern two thirds of the US is Kentucky Bluegrass. Still, bluegrass has significant drawbacks.
The most common turf grass in the northern two thirds of the US is Kentucky Bluegrass. Still, bluegrass has significant drawbacks.
Happy Weed Wednesday! This week we want to talk about those pretty purple flowers that don’t belong in your lawn; Wild Violets,the winter perennial weed.
During the spring and throughout the growing season, your favorite evergreen trees and shrubs are subject to attack from pests.
Henbit is an edible winter annual weed that can grow up to 16" tall. You will typically see this weed in the early springtime in dry cultivated soil.
As Winter ebbs and there is a palatable feeling that Spring is on the way, many homeowners think about getting out there and mowing the lawn.
Last November, literally after most grass had stopped growing, at least enough to mow, you had sod installed at your new home. Though it was cold, the lawn looked great; still vibrant and green.
Beginning in early summer, a variety of nuisance insects invade our lawns.One group of insects, in particular are the June Bugs.
Weed Wednesday is back! This week we want to discuss a weed we’ve been hearing a lot about. Poa Annu, or Annual Bluegrass
Once Oxalis has flowered it can heavily produce seeds in the spring and summer but can also continue producing seeds all season long.
When it comes to building and maintaining a thick, heathy lawn, shallow tree roots compete with turf grass for both water and nutrients.