Weed Wednesday: Yellow Woodsorrel
With only 1 Weed Wednesday left this season we want to talk about a late summer perennial weed that shares the same family as oxalis. Yellow Woodsorrel is considered an “old world” plant meaning it has been around since before the Americas were discovered. While it is considered a weed in gardens, home lawns, and agricultural fields it has been used to treat various diseases and health issues. Yellow Woodsorrel is a delicate, low-growing weed that typically grows at a sharp angle from the main stem.

It prefers moist soil and partial shade but can tolerate many other conditions. It has been known to grow in fields, woods, lawns, and can even grow in the cracks of sidewalks. While it’s foliage can closely resemble clover, it’s folded leaves show a clear difference between the two closely related weeds. The flowers are typically bright yellow and are made up of 5 petals that are about ½ of an inch. With horizontal stems and seeds, Yellow Woodsorrel will take root wherever it touches the soil.

While some homeowners would be inclined to pull this weed by hand it is important to note that due to its complex roots, it is more than likely that once pulled the roots will remain deep in the soil. Herbicide control in the early spring and throughout the season is the best way to control this invasive weed and ensure it does not form seeds.
Don’t have ExperiGreen? Not a problem! With season-long fertilization applications, 2 crabgrass prevention treatments in the spring, and delivery of key nutrients to your lawn at the right time, our Experts will make sure your lawn gets and maintains a healthy, lush, and weed-free appearance. Call us today to learn more about our services and how you can get your first application for $29.95*.
Yellow Woodsorrel Weed Map

Photo Credit: EDD Maps

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