Weed Wednesday: Purslane

Happy Weed Wednesday! Did you know Purslane is classified as summer annual weed? Originating from the Mediterranean, it is widely found around the world.
Weed Wednesday Purslane

Weed Wednesday: Purslane

Happy Weed Wednesday! Did you know Purslane is classified as a summer annual weed? Originating from the Mediterranean, it is widely found around the world today and is a type of succulent. In mid-summer, it’s important to remember that a weed like this can outgrow and infest even the healthiest of home lawns.

Since Purslane is a summer annual weed, it thrives during the summer months and tolerates compacted soil and drought conditions. The stems are smooth and are a reddish color that can reach up to 14 inches long. These stems are accompanied by soft, succulent, dark green, leaves that grow in clusters.

Purslane Weed Control For Home Lawns

Purslane Weed Control For Home Lawns

Purslane Flower

It will produce yellow flowers from mid-summer to early fall, that will last for about 1-2 months. These yellow flowers will only open for a few hours on sunny mornings since it prefers direct sunlight. While some gardeners may find a place for this weed in flower beds, beware it can become an invasive weed among healthy grass since 1 plant can contain thousands of seeds that survive in your soil for up to 40 years.  Early spring pre-emergent and regular herbicide treatments in the summer will help control and eliminate this weed. That’s where we come in.

Purslane Flower

Don’t have ExperiGreen? Not a problem! With season-long fertilization applications, 2 crabgrass prevention treatments in the spring, and delivery of key nutrients to your lawn at the right time, our Experts will make sure your lawn gets and maintains a healthy, lush, and weed free appearance. Call us today to learn more about our services and how you can get your first application for $29.95*.

Purslane Weed Map

Purslane Weed Map

Photo Credit: EDD Maps

ExperiGreen Infographics-Weed Wednesday- Purslane

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