Flea & Tick Control
Our flea & tick control services protects your pets and family from fleas and ticks. Have a lawn that is pest-free and enjoy a healthy outdoor living space.
Flea & Tick Lawn Treatment Services
At ExperiGreen, we offer the best flea and tick lawn treatment services across the midwest. To protect your pets and your family from harmful fleas and disease carrying ticks, call ExperiGreen now. Fleas are found in many areas around the lawn and landscape and especially where pets frequent. Ticks tend to be around the perimeter of the yard in wooded areas, shrubs and tall grass. They often can be found on plant foliage from ankle to waist high, waiting to latch on to the next warm-blooded mammal to come close. This could be you, your family members or your pet!
Our flea and tick lawn treatment program includes 2 to 4 applications of control products to the entire lawn area. We will control and minimize these pests where they are prevalent so they don’t bother you or your pets!

Protect Your Pets With Our Flea and Tick Control Program
Fleas can be highly bothersome and even dangerous to your pets if populations get high enough. Ticks can be especially dangerous as they are disease carrying pests. Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever are two of the most prevalent diseases. You and your pets need a flea and tick control program to minimize the threat! At ExperiGreen, our flea and tick lawn treatment service includes 2 to 4 applications of control products throughout the year so that your pets can remain safe without a worry on your mind.

Highly Rated Company

Benefits Of Our Flea & Tick Control Services
ExperiGreen’s flea and tick control services for your yard provides you and your family with many benefits, including:
- Control and minimizing these pests before they attack you, family members, and pets
- Eliminates the threat of tick-borne diseases
- Ensures your pets are free from the itch and pain caused by fleas.
Have the experts from ExperiGreen provide your flea and tick lawn treatment service so you don’t have to! With ExperiGreen you don’t have to handle and store the chemicals required; we do it for you!

Why Your Neighbors Love ExperiGreen
In addition to utilizing industry-leading products and technologies for your lawn and landscape, we continually train our employees so they are able to offer the absolute best service possible.
“This company has SAVED my lawn. They do excellent work and have really helped me keep my yard looking beautiful. I trust this company and recommend them without reservation!”
– Luke Simington
“I love Experigreen! I have used them for my lawn care for 2 years. Customer service is very accommodating. If you have rental property (which I do), you get some really good savings”
– Alice Brite
“I am extremely happy with Experigreen and can see the difference their care has made in our lawn. Their treatments have been consistent and exactly on the indicated periods during the spring, summer and fall. I highly recommend Experigreen. Super job!!!”
– Evi Torres
Frequently Asked Questions
What causes fleas in my lawn?
Fleas tend to be found where mammalian pets live and frequent. Most commonly, dogs and cats, although other more exotic mammalian pets are susceptible to fleas also. Conditions that favor flea development include warm temperatures between 70 – 90 degrees and moisture and humidity around 75% and higher. Fleas and their hosts tend to frequent shaded lawn areas that have adequate moisture. In addition, these same conditions tend to favor tick development. Consider Flea & Tick control treaments from ExperiGreen to help you manage these bothersome pests!
Are flea and tick yard treatment pet safe?
Flea & Tick treatments on your yard pose a minimal risk to pets and humans when applied at the correct rates and according to label instructions. It is difficult to use the word “safe”, as very few things in the world today can be truly considered “safe”. As with most things it is a matter of concentration and dose. For example, Aspirin in too large of a dose is toxic to humans (and pets for that matter). Anything or product not used according to instructions or label directions may be harmful. This is why you should consider professional flea & tick yard treatments to help you manage and control fleas and ticks. An integrated program of timely yard treatments, sanitation, and flea & tick treatments for your pet will control these irritating pests. At ExperiGreen, we use only products labeled specifically for flea & tick control at the correct low rate that represent minimal risk to pets and people.
Where do dogs get ticks?
Ticks are prevalent in wooded areas and thrive in warmer temperatures with high moisture and humidity above 75%. Wooded areas near the back of a yard or lawn, or heavily landscaped areas with lots of shrubs and tall grasses also make ideal conditions for ticks. Ticks are attracted to warm blooded mammals, so you and your dog represent the perfect host. If you live in a high tick population area, most veterinarians recommend flea & tick treatments specifically for your dog and as part of your overall strategy, you should consider flea & tick yard treatments. Our ExperiGreen flea and tick control program includes 2 to 4 applications of control products to the entire lawn area. We will control and minimize these pests where they are prevalent, so they don’t bother you or your pets!
How to keep your dog from getting fleas?
Keep your dog from getting fleas by taking the following steps and have an overall strategy. Pet flea and tick control can be effective, but you must remain vigilant. Try to minimize and disrupt their life cycle and the environment that favors their development. Fleas thrive where there is a host (your dog or cat!) and the right conditions. Shaded parts of your yard with adequate moisture are conducive to flea development; unfortunately, this is where your pets tend to frequent as well. Restrict access to the same areas in the yard if possible, bathe your dog with flea & tick control shampoo, apply a regular flea & tick treatment to your dog, frequently wash in hot water, any pet bedding, thoroughly vacuum any areas where the pet sleeps and frequents (then discard the contents outside in the trash container) and consider professional flea & tick control treatments. Our ExperiGreen flea and tick control program includes 2 to 4 applications of control products to the entire lawn area. We will control and minimize these pests where they are prevalent so they don’t bother you or your pets!
What is considered a flea infestation?
A flea infestation is commonly described as when you can visibly see multiple fleas on your pet and on the pet bedding. You may notice that you yourself are suffering from flea bites. Look for very small, brownish colored insects that jump and small black flecks on pet bedding or carpet (flea feces). If your pet is constantly itching and scratching and even has raw areas on their skin, you likely have a flea infestation. If you notice these signs, you need to act quickly to get them under control. One tactic to consider is a professional flea & tick control program for your yard area. Our ExperiGreen flea and tick control program includes 2 to 4 applications of control products to the entire lawn area. We will control and minimize these pests where they are prevalent, so they don’t bother you or your pets!
Get To Know Our Flea & Tick Control Process
At ExperiGreen, we offer a complete flea and tick control program. It consists of an analysis of the type of infestation, then we create a program of 2 to 4 applications of control product applications throughout the year so that you won’t be seeing any ticks or fleas all year long.