How to Identify and Control Snow Mold Damage
What is snow mold? Actually, there are two types of snow mold; in laymen’s terms, they are referred to as pink and gray snow mold.
What is snow mold? Actually, there are two types of snow mold; in laymen’s terms, they are referred to as pink and gray snow mold.
First, you need to decide whether or not to drain the gas from your powered equipment. Some do, others do not.
A wide variety of gloves is available for winter weather. Some claim to be “water proof and insulated”.
In at least 11 states, from Wisconsin and Minnesota to Virginia, phosphorus in turf fertilizers for home lawns has been either limited or banned altogether.
Last November, literally after most grass had stopped growing, at least enough to mow, you had sod installed at your new home. Though it was cold, the lawn looked great; still vibrant and green.
A winterizer is a late fall fertilizer application made to help lawns reover, and to encourage thick healthy growth in the spring.
Now that Fall has officially arrived, so have cool temperatures, shorter days, and you guessed it, leaves. Today we are going to talk about how to clean up fall leaves from your lawn the right way.
Let’s face it, crabgrass is one tough challenge! It arrives in Spring and stares at us all summer long. What to do? In the Fall, the answer is NOTHING!
Armyworms are taking over your lawn and its time to defend against these pesky invaders. It has recently been discovered that a large infestation of armyworms has broken out in many states, including Ohio, Indiana and north Carolina!
Summer is here! Time to dust off the lawn and patio furniture for another sun-drenched, sometimes wet, sometimes hot, often stressful season out in the sun.